List three of the symbols in the great gatsby
List three of the symbols in the great gatsby

On a spectrum of adultery, Tom’s cheating is unequivocally near the top. The reader is never given a sense that Tom actually loves Myrtle, and as Jordan implies early on in the book, Myrtle is not Tom’s only mistress. Tom, however, seems intent on just doing whatever he pleases for no good reason at all. Arguments can be made that Daisy cheated on Tom out of passion for Gatsby. Not that cheating is ever justified, Tom does it not because he passionately loves someone other than Daisy, but simply because he can. Furthermore, Tom is a merciless cheater on Daisy, and engages in such activity in a way that I believe is very different from most other characters. Wilson to kill Gatsby, and then runs away from the entire situation between Daisy, himself, Myrtle, and Gatsby as if he was never a part of it in the first place. Tom, most notably, takes advantage of, and encourages a depressed, crazed, Mr. Unfortunately, Tom is also the doer of some of the most immoral, and senseless actions in the entire novel. Tom Buchanan – I really struggled putting Tom, the novel’s main antagonist, at number one, because there are certain points throughout the novel where I empathize with him more so than any other character – specifically during the climax of the novel when he finally confronts Gatsby and shows some genuine feeling of care for Daisy.


Again, this is just my opinion, so feel free to disagree.ġ. The list will begin with the character I find most “bad”, for lack of a better word, and finish with who I believe is most “good”. However, despite this fact, I think it is possible to place the (main) characters on a morality spectrum, which is what I would like to do. There is not one character – even Nick, who is a self proclaimed judgement free narrator – who doesn’t engage in some kind of bad behavior. Simply put, every character in the Great Gatsby is immoral. So I figured I’d start out with the theme that I find most interesting: morality. It’s essentially impossible to find a perfect spot to dive into the novel for analysis. After all, there’s just so much stuff in the Great Gatsby. It was tough to figure out what topic to start with for this blog.

List three of the symbols in the great gatsby